Saturday, 6 June 2009

My desk - the final construction stage

I've reached an all-time low on the posting rate for my entries about the desk. Six months since my last posting! I built the whole desk, and a filing cabinet in the same time! Never mind...

The final stage of the desk construction was to apply some Danish oil to stain and protect the wood. This task was even more satisfying than attaching the edging strips. It's so easy - the oil is thin so it paints on with a brush very quickly, and then is simply wiped with a cloth to remove the excess, and the job is done.

The transformation was remarkable - it went from looking home-made to looking shop-bought in a matter of hours. The colour (I used Colron Danish oil in "natural") is perfect - not too red or green as some wood colours can be.

And here is the final result:

As you can see, it was only a matter of minutes before the clutter had started to gather on the top and underneath. You should see it now...!

Looks good though doesn't it? And it's quite sturdy too - it's heavy, but to move it around without dragging the carpet I can put my forearms under the keyboard area and lift the whole thing. The solid back sections help keep it all rigid.


Colin Ian King said...

Tidy desk, tidy mind?

DrRob said...

More a case of, "Tidy desk, only just finished it."

Now, a year on, it's a Full-to-overflowing desk, with matching mind.